Home Can Be A Healing Place

Last week I revealed that I live with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I came by it via a very scary college relationship. There is a lot more to the story (obviously), but before we move on to all of that I want to talk to you about one of the biggest and most profound ways I have come back to myself in the process of healing.

Ok. Therapy has been my number one tool for healing... therapy and medication. But other than that, the biggest most important mental health intervention that I have used has been my home!

Creating a safe and supportive space for myself has been transformative. I lived with this disorder, undiagnosed, for years thinking I was losing my mind. Here's the thing about PTSD, it's like living with your skin inside out. Every part of your existence feels raw and exposed. Like each nerve is unprotected and vulnerable.

Everything feels like a potential threat - you never know when or what will send you into a trauma induced tailspin. The world outside of my front door was unknown, terrifying and completely out of my control. Of course, we don't have ultimate control in life; but, I did have the power to make my home into my safe place (especially once my ex-husband moved out. But again, a story for another day).

At this point in my life's journey, I have healed much of the trauma that once plagued me, and as I mentioned, one of my most powerful tools for healing was utilizing my home as my sanctuary. It started small with just my bedroom - doing little things here and there to try and make it feel cozier and more nurturing to my nervous system. And as time went on, it grew. I started taking those same practices into the kitchen and then the living room.

I learned that everything in my environment has an emotional impact on me and I can use this to my benefit! The music I play, the furniture I choose, the paint on my walls, the belongings I display and the way I choose to display them - it all affects my sense of security and my well-being!

Now, I know not everyone shares my story exactly; but I believe that the skills I learned from this experience can be beautiful, healing tools for everyone! And ultimately, here in lies the goal that I have for Reclaiming Lacy - to help others find the healing power of their homes - just like I have.

I have a lot of plans for this year. Plans to step into a roll of teacher and guide. Resources I want to offer so you can harness the healing power of your home too!

So stay tuned. This is only the beginning, my friends.




My Brain Is On A Leash